Image provided by Graeme Salter

Yes, another one from Graeme Salter.. plenty of people in this image, far too many to mention. Anyone want to try? Yes, once more into the breach dear friends it's Garth and his loyal band of identifiers: "(front row, L to R) - Norm Pack, Sue Swensson, WENDY GREEN, (??), MICHELE WADE, (??), Maria Ciganek/Vrabac, Deborah Lisson, GLEN ARNDELL; (middle row R to L) GLENN LAUNT, MARY MORIATIS (now Cass) with the blonde streaks, LYN LENNARD, (maybe Greg Hillman again), Karen Mewett (maybe?), Gregor Whiley (maybe?), don't know; back row - of the 3 there, can only make out JOHN BERRY in the dark blue shirt, the other 2 are too pixelated to decipher !" Graeme adds: "Between Wendy Greene and Michele Wade is Donna Keevers. Between Michele Wade and Maria Ciganek is Lisa Vatner. Greg Hillman look alike is Mick O'Brien again. I think you left out Steve Knight who is next to Gregor Whiley. The smoker (?) at back may be Aiko Abbas? Next to him (below John Berry) is Chris Harding."

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