Another excursion to break up the year for the teaching staff

From Graham Davis: "Roger L & yours truly at the Merino farm in Goulburn taken by our late mate Davo"
Translated by Garth: "Roger LEMBIT & Graham DAVIS at the Merino farm in Goulburn taken by (the late) James DAVIDSON"
Commented upon by RR: "As an aside, Davo used to spend hours in the darkroom at school, sometimes emerging at ridiculously late hours. (I think the stories about the caretaker's guard dogs were probably exaggerated - but based on my own after-school experience contained at least a grain of truth!). Davo must have had a treasure-trove of black and white shots from this era. Greg Wignall and Greg Robinson were also keen photographers. And Mr Lawrence (Geography) was, I think, the driving force behind the school darkroom moving from a demountable to a permanent, plumbed structure under the 'new' building. He certainly helped whenever he could to foster the art and science of photography. Any comment?"

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