Driving whinge take 3,000
OK, so I drove to work again. Must stop doing this. First thing, gigantic cars, like trucks. Why are people driving around teh city in these monsters. A Range Rover went past, brand spanking new, gleaming, speeding... just one on board. Sure, if you've got it, flaunt it... but don't you start to feel guilty about this utter waste of resources? Do you feel no shame? Maybe when global warming actually starts to hurt you'll go 'why did I do that?'. More likely most people will go 'why did they let me do that?' Because it's never our fault, it's always the government to blame beacsue we bought trucks instead of cars, or massive houses on small blocks well away from railway lines. Free will? Democracy? Responsibility? Ha! No, it comes down to blame, doesn't it. Who do we blame when we get it wrong. Why not take the initiative and make your own choices instead? Catch that train. Buy a smaller house close to transport. Buy a small car. Fume. Literally.
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