Crfitics dump on Barangaroo. I don't love the design but making up stuff is just silly
I like some of the approved Barangaroo design and would prefer more wild spaces rather than manicured lawns, but overall it's iconic and interesting. As for the critics, really, they could do better than just make it up to suit themselves: "''There's not really any excuse for intruding on publicly owned water. The precedent that sets is not a very good one,'' said Peter Webber, a former NSW government architect and emeritus professor of architecture at the University of Sydney." Sydney Airport's main runways and every piece of reclamation-based port infrastructure from Port Botany to Port Kembla is apparently neither excusable nor demonstrates any sort of precedent for 'intrusion' on public waters. Gosh, they are rather big constructions, you'd think an emeritus professor of architecture would have noticed 'em. We even managed to move the mouth and course of the Cooks River to make space for the airport without the good professor noticing. Let alone countless private jetties, wharves and marinas that have taken over our waterways. Inexcusable indeed, but a bit late to squeal now! Read it in full here:
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